Google tools and services

Google tools and services

Wallpaper advertisement guide

This guide details the implementation of a Google Ad Manager ‘wallpaper’ advertisement position within Webvision Cloud frontend sites. It includes a ‘fireplace’ variation which combines the wallpaper with the “masthead leaderboard - under nav” advert position to create a more prominent advertising delivery.

Enhanced display advertising and dynamic story slot insertion (inc. Enhanced Google Ad Manager delivery)

Webvision Cloud has a method to dynamically increase the advertising inventory on site pages. The aim is to allow our customers to maximise the commercial return from their content and to stay aligned with emerging measurement standards for ad delivery and viewability. This will protect and grow existing ad revenues. ...


Adding Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

Find out how to add Google Tag Manager scripts to your site

Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 11.20.40

Cumulative Layout Shift – CLS – Core Web Vitals

Google has added the core web vitals metrics as ranking factors in 2021. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is one of the scores. This document explains how this works and what steps can be taken to get the best possible score on Webvision Cloud sites

Google Site Maps and Google News Maps

Ensure Google Search indexes your site content and, if your site contains news content, add it to Google News.

Google Ad Manager (GAM) set-up guide

Webvision Cloud websites include defined positions which can be populated with advertising served using Google Ad Manager. This guide describes how to control the content for these positions.


European copyright law: How to opt in your website text and image snippets

Changes to European copyright law can affect how your site appears in search results in different European countries. Find out how you can control the information shown.


Advert targeting using Google Ad Manager (GAM)

Guide to help you target adverts using various targeting criteria


Google Events Tracking Webinar

Our 2018 Client Day included some very well-received practical insight sessions that we are now making available as on-demand webinars. In the first of a four-part series, Jody Willis, Head of Design at Abacus, presents the benefits of implementing Google Event tracking to get an in-depth view of how your ...


How to add Google reCAPTCHA

Abacus recommends having Google reCAPTCHA enabled on your site registration form as this is a good security practice against spam and abuse.

Tracking Ad Blockers through GTM

This guide describes how to set up a tag in Google Tag Manager (GTM) to fire an Event to Google Analytics (GA) if a user has an ad blocker switched on, and the website is configured to measure this.


Metadata set-up guide

Set up dataLayer metadata for Google Analytics integration.