All ADvance customer data management articles – Page 8
User guides
Qualification settings
Qualification settings are used to define metered access levels for different types of users on an online product.
User guides
Entitlement Rules
Entitlement rules are used to define exactly what content on your website will be controlled by this product.
User guides
Accounting Settings
Accounting settings are used to determine certain configurations at a product specific level.
User guides
Product > Newsletters
Subscriber-only newsletters can be automatically added to online and event products upon completion of a paid order to ensure that those customers are kept up to date with the latest news.
User guides
Subscriber Campaign - Basic Details
The Basic Details page is used to determine the main settings for the Subscriber Campaign.
User guides
Batch Upload - Matching Results
The matching results page is used to check and process the imported data.
User guides
Batch Uploads (ETL)
Allows you to bulk upload data via CSV files. Can add new and overwrite existing data.
User guides
Batch Uploads - Basic Details
The basic details page is used to determine the details of a batch and control how it is processed into ADvance.
User guides
Batch Splits
Split the IFRA process to manage the distribution of print based products into separate delivery output files.
User guides
Recipients Filters
Select which customers will receive the issue as part of this IFRA process.
User guides
Notification Letter
The notification letter page of a direct debit run displays all customers who have had a change to their direct debit.
User guides
The reconciliation page of a direct debit run shows all AUDDIS and BACS requests which have been rejected.
User guides
Cheque Processing
Monitor cheque payments for reconciliation purposes and confirm when payment is received.