All ADvance customer data management articles – Page 2
User guides
Personalise subscriber campaign emails with dynamic variables
Want to use dynamic fields from ADvance within subscriber campaigns and renewal emails? We’ve created a comprehensive list with all of the variables that can be used in Subscriber Campaigns.
How-to guides
How to use the BI Scheduler
ADvance facilitates the collection of vast amounts of user data which can be invaluable in identifying trends or actionable intelligence. A great way to leverage this data is to use a visualisation tool to create a data model and then do the relevant analysis.
How-to guides
How is the country sales tax applied to an order determined?
Under EU laws regarding tax, VAT on Business-to-Consumer (B2C) supplies of digital services is determined by the location of the consumer. Certain goods imported into the EU are also subject to VAT and this is determined by the delivery country.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – February 2022
Change the latest email address as part of the subscription flow, protect site traffic from automated sources with ReCAPTCHA page, next payment amount data source, fixes and more.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – December 2021
Publish Odata queries, improvements to how duplicate email addresses are handled in Campaign Monitor v4 integration, fixes and more.
How-to guides
How to notify continuous subscribers of an expired card before their next payment
This guide explains how to set up automatic messages when a card used on a recurring payment subscription has expired. These messages can be delivered by email, letter, or a pop-up when users log in.
How-to guides
How to notify continuous subscribers of a failed payment
Continuous payments fail for a number of reasons, for example where a customer has cancelled a direct debit or when there are insufficient funds on a card. When a payment fails, ADvance can recognise this event in a Subscriber Campaign and notify your customers automatically.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – November 2021
Target continuous subscribers after a failed payment in Subscriber Campaigns, set a fixed gross price when creating a variant with dynamic tax, preferred capture form and survey code ID visible on the capture form page, delivery country in Bank Transaction Detail Report, fixes and more.
How-to guides
How to use an email campaign to prompt users to update their personal details
Prompt users to update their personal details at least once a year. Steps on how to achieve this.
User guides
E-Commerce Platforms
List of all payment portals that can be integrated with Webvision Cloud and supported features.
User guides
Web Activity - Action types explained
Descriptions of the different action types recorded under Web Activity.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – September 2021
Improvements to company suggestions on registration forms, track when a user drops out on a capture form, changes to headings in subscriber campaigns, general fixes and more.
User guides
EU VAT Reporting
VAT reporting is required if a product is consumed within the EU for either print or online subscriptions. To provide the required information from ADvance you can run the Bank Transaction Detail report.
How-to guides
Subscription Packages: The Do’s and Don’ts
Subscription packages should be reviewed and maintained carefully to ensure that any updates to your subscriptions or continuous payments can be managed efficiently. This documentation will provide some tips on how to create and maintain your product offers and avoid unnecessary further work.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – August 2021
Metering users based on the number of unique stories viewed, new fields to all IFR delivery formats, direct debit frequency field, referrer gatekeeping, more renewal expiry reports available, and more.
User guides
ADvance Training Modules
If you would like some training on ADvance, this story contains a list of all the ADvance training modules available along with information on how long each takes. Please speak to your account director if you are interested in scheduling a training session.
User guides
Subscriber Campaign Statistics
The subscriber campaign pages can provide insight into the number of parties your campaign has reached and the percentage of renewals created. This documentation explains the logic used for each column.
Release notes
ADvance release notes – June 2021
Ability to suppress direct debit notifications, additional output fields in notification export, changes to subscriber campaign rates, general improvements and fixes.
Abacus policy
EU VAT Changes - 1st July 2021
Changes to EU Value Added Tax (VAT) are coming to businesses selling goods to customers located in the EU. Find out what changes you might be required to undertake in ADvance here.
How-to guides
Web Pop-Up Messaging - Communicate to users on the frontend
Communicate to your customers with messaging on your frontend site via 4 different visual presentations. The effort message can be set to appear on any non-AD controlled pages.