All ADvance customer data management articles – Page 12
User guides
Order Management - paid, gifts, free trials & complimentary corporates
This page provides guidance on order management in ADvance. This includes guidance on how to view and edit each type of order and the actions you can perform.
How-to guides
How to set up the right-hand column of the “My Account” page
In order to make the look of the subdomain pages consistent with the other website logged in user profile pages, the “my account options” element can be included in the relevant account pages. This is done by including an iframe in the web right hand column content of the form ...
User guides
Person - Credentials
Credentials are details the customer must use to log into a website which is integrated with ADvance.
User guides
Parties & Party Search
This article provides an introduction to parties and party records in ADvance. It also provides guidance on how to search for a party, how to create a record for people or companies and how to merge duplicate records.
Release notes
AD release notes – June 2018 - 1.3.6
DPA row set in BI; HTML available on newsletter description and Page description on forms; Campaign code capture for all form types; GDPR dashboard and ticketing updates.
User guides
Person - Sales Summary
The sales summary page displays a summary of the financial transactions between your organisation and the party.
User guides
Person - Dashboard
The dashboard page shows a summary of the details held in the party record:
Release notes
AD release notes – May 2018 - v1.3.4
HTML can be added to the Section and Question description on forms; Slider / Toggle option for form questions; Invoice number available in BI.
Release notes
AD release notes – April 2018 - v1.3.3
GDPR-related changes to forms, DPA, batch uploads; new columns added to BI; new front-end layout options for sections on forms.
User guides
DPA Management
DPA statements determine how you can use customer data. These statements have legal implications and must be configured appropriately before they are added to capture forms.
User guides
Custom Attributes Management
Manage the questions and answers you wish to add to any capture form. Custom attributes must be set up before they can be added to capture forms.
User guides
Capture Forms - Set-up
The form set up page is used to create the layout of the capture form.
User guides
Capture Forms - Basic details
The basic details page is used to determine the basic details and settings of the capture form.
Abacus policy
Introduction to ADvance SaaS customer data platform (CDP)
The ADvance SaaS customer data platform (CDP) is a GDPR-compliant, multichannel single customer view, customer identity & access management (CIAM), and e-commerce system in one.
Release notes
AD release notes - March 2018 - v1.3.1/2
Multiple subscription quantity option on Product Offer page; Improved e-commerce flow for Gift subscriptions; Additional codes now supported in datalayer.
Release notes
AD release notes – February 2018 - v1.3.0
E-commerce flow; customise order confirmation page and email; GA/GTM datalayer for e-commerce.
Release notes
AD release notes – November 2017 - v1.2.28
Manually create renewal order links; New order status of Deleted (Void); Configurable confirmation email per variant for free trial orders; Add text to VAT receipt where EU VAT has been exempted.
Release notes
AD release notes – October 2017 - v1.2.27
Update corporate entitlements when adding orders via the backend; Impersonate a user on the frontend; Apply login restrictions by IP per user; Subscription start and end date on Liability by Client report; New gift recipient email variables; New API methods.